Lifeskills offers sensory integration therapies, movement opportunities and personal care assistance to persons with severe disabilities to help them participate fully in a variety of social, community and work activities.

Participants in Lifeskills are able to build their day around their abilities, wants and needs. Community activities are offered twice a day to offer a wide variety of options. In-house activities, including work activity, are also offered for those who have more severe health or sensory issues and cannot tolerate a full day in the community.
Our program is offered Monday through Friday from 9am-3:30pm.
Sensory Programs - Vestibular, Proprioceptive and Tactile therapies are offered to individuals who may have difficulty focusing on tasks and/or tolerating an environment that is noisy, bright or has a lot of activity.
MOVE Program - (Mobility Opportunities Via Experiences). Gait trainers, adapted chairs and standers are used to provide opportunities for individuals to get out of their wheelchairs and stand, stretch, weight bear and walk and/or sit with friends who are not wheelchair users.
Personal Care Services - Staff provide personal care assistance to persons who are unable to complete self-care independently.
Community Activities are also offered on a daily basis.